F-Spot 0.6.0

As Stephane mentioned in his blog, F-Spot 0.6.0 is out.

Some of the highlights of this release (in no particular order):

  • This release contains the folder bar, which I previously blogged about.
  • This is the first release where we all used Git and it has massively paid off. Contributions are flowing in at a massive rate, from lots of people. See for yourself on Gitorious. Now that the release is out, it’s time to go over merge requests. It’s hard to keep up with them.
  • F-Spot is getting ready for GNOME 3, with the introduction of GIO/GVFS and GtkBuilder. There are still parts of the code using the old stuff, but we’re gradually replacing it.
  • Bugs fixed! Over 120 bugs have been closed between the previous and the current release. This number does not include duplicates.
  • And perhaps the most important: we’re retooling things, refactoring and cleaning, which was much needed and will allow us to make it better faster, make it easier to add stuff and simpler to contribute.

With the pace going up and the codebase improving, you can be sure to see great stuff in the future of F-Spot! Oh and if you’d like to help build that future, drop on by on IRC: #f-spot on irc.gnome.org.

August 8, 2009 12:42 #mono #gnome #f-spot

